Nature Happenings
- Project Feeder Watch starts and extends until April,
- Queen bees prepare their winter hibernation spots.
- Black Bears go into hibernation.
- Chipmunks hibernate.
- Feeders get busier as the month progresses.
- Late-migrating raptors, such as Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawks, can be seen.
- Open water may become important with an early freeze. Put up heated bird baths for a winter water source.
- Canada Geese are migrating.
- Witch Hazel is the last plant to bloom this year.
- Bittersweet berries turn orange this month.
- Wasps leave paper nests in search of warmer homes.
- Pine Grosbeaks arrive from the north.
- Robins and Cedar Waxwings are feeding on Virginia Creeper berries.
- Peak of deer breeding season. Use caution while driving.
- Leonid meteor shower is mid-month.